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Weatherproof Light Switches

order code: OP2 IP66 20AX 1G SP 2-way switch - Black
order code: OP3 IP66 20AX 2G SP 2-way switch- Black
order code: OP21 IP66 20AX 1G 1-way retractive switch - Black

Weatherproof switches and remotes

order code: OP3GBK IP66 13A 3G Switch Box
order code: OP5GBK IP66 13A 5G Switch Box
order code: OP663GBK IP66 13A 3G Remote Controlled Switch Box
order code: OP665GBK IP66 13A 5G Remote Controlled Switch Box
order code: OPREMOTE Replacement Remote Control for OP663GBK and OP665GBK

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