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13A Sockets

order code: PM7000 13A 1G DP Switched Socket [Part M compliant]
order code: PM7000N 13A 1G DP Switched Socket with Neon [Part M compliant]
order code: PM9001 13A 2G DP Switched Socket with Twin Earths and Outboard Rockers [Part M compliant]
order code: PM9001N 13A 2G DP Switched Socket with Twin Earths and Outboard Rockers and Neons [Part M compliant]
order code: PM9RCD 13A 2G DP RCD Switched Socket with Outboard Rockers (Type-A) [Part M compliant]

13A Sockets with USB Charging

order code: PM9002 13A 2G Switched socket with white outboard rockers and dual USB (A+C) 4.8A [Part M compliant]

10AX Switches

order code: PM2000 10AX 1G 2-way Switch [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM3000 10AX 2G 2-way Switch [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM4000 10AX 3G 2-way Switch [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM8300 10AX 2-way Pull Cord Switch [Part M Compliant]
order code: PMCORDR 3M Red Pull Cord With Joint Union & 2 x Red Bangles

20AX Wide Rocker Switches

order code: PM2G 2G Modular Faceplate [Part M Compliant]
order code: NET2WWH 20AX 1G 2-way modular wide rocker switch (50x50mm) - White
order code: NET12WWH 20AX 1G intermediate modular wide rocker switch (50x50mm) - White
order code: NET2WH 20AX 1G 2-way modular switch (25x50mm) - White
order code: NET12WH 20AX 1G intermediate modular switch (25x50mm) - White

Fused Spur Units

order code: PM6300 13A Switched Fused Spur [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM6300N 13A Switched Fused Spur with Neon [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM6300NF 13A Switched Fused Spur with Neon and Flex Outlet from Base [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM6RCD 13A RCD Fused Spur (Type A) [Part M Compliant]

20A Switches

order code: PM8341N 20A 1G DP Switch with Neon [Part M Compliant]

45A Switches

order code: PM8331N 45A DP switch with Neon (1G Size) [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM8333N 45A DP Switch with 13A Socket with Neons [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM8310N 50A DP Pull Cord Switch with Neon and Mechanical On/Off [Part M Compliant]

Modular & Media

order code: PM1G 1G Modular Faceplate [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM2G 2G Modular Faceplate [Part M Compliant]
order code: PM4G 4G Modular Faceplate [Part M Compliant]

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